Business development

Partnering opportunities

  • Virus-blocking portfolio: selected products / countries available
  • Anti-allergy nasal spray: Global or territorial license available
  • Ophthalmic application: Global or territorial license available
  • Private label possible
  • Long term partnership requested

Marinomed is further in contact with companies, which are interested in developing new products based on the Carragelose® platform. Carragelose® can be used to extend or enhance existing therapies through its virus-blocking, allergen-blocking and moistuirizing effectiveness. One of our examples is the decongestant combination, which received EU-wide certification in July 2018.

Are you interested in in-licencing any of our products?

Please contact our business development:

Kristina Johnsen
Senior BD Manager (Carragelose, Tacrosolv)
Marinomed Biotech AG
Hovengasse 25
2100 Korneuburg, Austria
+43 2262 90300